Kingdom Tension
July 26th, 2024
Throughout church history, theological imbalance has led to practical excess. Overemphasizing one biblical tension at the expense of the other inevitably results in distortion....  Read More
by Valeta Baty
Victim Mentality
July 19th, 2024
Rise above the victim mentality, and step boldly into the abundant life of freedom, joy, and purpose God has for you. Not as a victim, but as His redeemed and empowered child....  Read More
by Valeta Baty
Asking Big
July 12th, 2024
“God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity we plan only the things we can do by ourselves.” A. W. Tozer...  Read More
by Valeta Baty
Possessing the Promised Land
July 5th, 2024
God’s call to the Israelites to take possession of the Promised Land was not just an invitation to kick back and soak up the milk and honey. It was a charge to step into their divine inheritance throu...  Read More
by Valeta Baty
The Path to Purpose
June 28th, 2024
Ever had one of those days, months, or even years where you wondered, “God, what in the world are You doing? This does not look anything like the vision You gave me!”...  Read More
by Valeta Baty
The Intercessor
June 21st, 2024
Every believer has been granted the supreme privilege of communing with the Creator of the universe through prayer. Yet within the lives of some Christians burns an ember of holy desperation, a smolde...  Read More
by Valeta Baty
Persistant Prayer
June 14th, 2024
In life’s darkest battlegrounds when all human effort fails, there remains one supreme weapon that cannot be impeded—the persistent, unwavering prayer of faith....  Read More
by Valeta Baty
Never Withdraw Your Hand
June 11th, 2024
How often are we like Saul, seeking God’s face until circumstances seem to break our way, then rashly abandoning our dependence on His divine counsel? When the path forward appears clear from our limi...  Read More
by Valeta Baty
Prophecy Pt II - Weigh the Message
May 31st, 2024
We must also carefully consider the motivations behind prophetic claims. John instructs, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” (1 John 4:1, ESV)...  Read More
by Valeta Baty
Prophecy Pt1 - Unaccountable Prophecy
May 24th, 2024
A troubling event played out decades ago involving a self-proclaimed prophet. This ‘prophet’ held strange theological perspectives, filtering everything through his personal lens. He existed as a lone...  Read More
by Valeta Baty
Simplicity in Revelation
May 17th, 2024
In an era characterized by a cacophony of voices vying for attention and truth often obscured by the noise, there is a profound longing for simplicity and clarity in revelation....  Read More
by Valeta Baty
The Lens of Judgement
May 10th, 2024
Ultimately, righteous judgment finds its source and summit in the One who embodies perfect truth and boundless grace—Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. ...  Read More
by Valeta Baty