Easter at Equipped Church invite photo

Easter Celebration

1733 Dad Clark Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO

Sunday, April 20th at 10am

On Sunday, April 20th @Equipped Church we are hosting our
Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Equipped Church @11:30am on the field

1733 Dad Clark Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO

On Sunday, April 20th @ Equipped Church we are celebrating the true meaning of Easter and hosting our Annual Easter Egg Hunt...

Worship & Praise for the whole family
✅Inspiring Easter Message
✅ Free Easter Treats Together
✅ Free Pictures with the Family
✅Tons of Easter Eggs
✅Lots of Candy
✅ Free Coffee
✅ Free Hot Chocolate
✅ Free Kid's Craft

Church starts at 10am, Treats and then the Easter Egg Hunt will begin @11:30am.
Your kids are going to thank you after you bring them to Equipped Church!
Come out to Equipped Church on April 20th @ 10am for a fun, safe day of family fun.

This event is 100% FREE and 
open to the public!

All we ask is that you Plan Your Visit below so that we can save a spot for your kids, and give them a free welcome gift!
So Plan Your Visit now and we’ll see you on April 20th at 10am...

Service Time

April 20th @ 10am


1733 Dad Clark Drive, 
Highlands Ranch, CO
(720) 254-1580

Equipped Kids playing together
Equipped Youth at the park
Ladies get together
One of our Sunday gatherings
Enjoying friendship
Hanging out in the cafe after service