The Relationship pt 4

The Relationship Pt 4
Understanding Our Relationship with God

Acts 4:13 (AMP) Now when the men of the Sanhedrin (Jewish High Court) saw the confidence and boldness of Peter and John, and grasped the fact that they were uneducated and untrained [ordinary] men, they were astounded, and began to recognize that they had been with Jesus.
As we finish this short series, this final week's focus emphasizes the importance of moving away from religious pretense and embracing a genuine, transformative relationship with Jesus Christ.

Why Do We Lean on Religion?
Many of us find comfort in the structure of religion—lists of do's and don'ts that we strive to follow, even though we know we'll fall short. This cycle of pretense leads us to 'pretend to be good', to follow Jesus, and to pray. However, the essence of our faith is not about living up to a standard we can never meet. It's about recognizing that we cannot reach God on our own, but Jesus has bridged that gap for us.

The Good News of the Gospel
Understanding the Good News of the Gospel requires acknowledging the bad news: we all fall short. But Jesus came to earth to take our place and restore our relationship with God. This truth should liberate us from the weight of trying to earn God's love through our actions. Instead, we should embrace the reality that our salvation and relationship with God are based on what Jesus has done, not on our efforts. 1 John 1:6-9

- Shifting from Religion to Relationship (some reminders)

What Does It Mean to Be Friends with God?
God calls us His friends, which should humble and overwhelm us. This friendship means that God wants us to know His plans and purposes. Every believer is invited into this intimate relationship, where our identity is revealed through knowing Him. The world struggles with questions of identity, but we find our true selves in our Creator.

The Role of Prayer
Prayer is not a religious duty but an opportunity to sit with the Father and share our hearts. Whether we're struggling, angry, or confused, God wants us to bring our concerns to Him. He is not afraid of our questions and doubts; He wants to walk with us through them.

Trusting God in Trials
Knowing God means trusting Him in trials and temptations. He is with us through our struggles, making us more resilient and allowing others to see His grace in our lives. Our salvation is secure in Christ, and no one can take that away from us.

Why We Avoid Sin
We avoid sin not out of fear of punishment but out of love for the Father. We know He has better plans for us, and we want to honor Him. When we fail, we can seek His forgiveness and continue to move forward in our relationship with Him.

- It Means Living Each Day Differently

Approaching Finances
Trusting God with our finances is a significant part of our relationship with Him. The tithe, or giving a tenth of our income, is an act of gratitude and recognition that God is our provider. It's not about the money; it's about trusting God in every area of our lives. Malachi 3:10-12

Sharing Our Faith
When we walk in a relationship with God, sharing our faith becomes about introducing people to Jesus, not inviting them to a religion. We are ambassadors for Christ, calling people to be reconciled to God and inviting them to experience the fullness of a relationship with Him. 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

Living with God Daily
Understanding that God is with us in every aspect of our lives changes how we live each day. Whether at work, at home, or in moments of loneliness, God is with us, guiding and supporting us. This relationship should bring us joy and transform our daily lives. Ephesians 4:1

So...Where to from here?
Challenge yourself to move from religious routine to a genuine relationship with God. Reflect on these questions:

1. Are there areas in your life where you are still trying to earn God's love through your actions?
2. How can you shift your focus from religious duties to a relationship with Jesus? Am I just going through the motions or really trying to 'connect' with God?
3. In what ways can you trust God more fully, especially in areas like finances and daily struggles?
4. How can you share your faith in a way that introduces people to a relationship with Jesus rather than a set of religious rules?

Embrace the freedom and joy that come from walking hand in hand with your Creator. Let this relationship transform every aspect of your life, and experience the fullness of God's love and grace. Realize that walking with God doesn't mean a life of ease, but it does mean that He is with us every step of the way, even through the lowest points and we can count on Him to finish His good work in our lives.

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