It's Time

It's Time!

Application from Sunday's message 12/29/24

Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.
Ephesians 4:1 (NLTSE)

Joshua 24:15 …choose today whom you will serve…But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
The call to live a life worthy of God's purpose is not just for pastors or church leaders - it's for every believer. We are all called to be part of a priesthood of believers who impact the world around us.

Why Does God Call All Believers to Ministry?
God designed each person with specific gifts and talents to fulfill His unique calling for their life. While we may feel inadequate or point to others who seem more qualified, God made you in His image with certain abilities to impact the world in ways no one else can.

What Does it Mean to Live a Life Worthy of Your Calling?
Living worthy doesn't mean being perfect - it means being willing to do what God has called you to do to the best of your ability. Where we are weak, He is strong. When we fail, He makes up for it. The key is getting back up and continuing to run with Him.

6 Key Steps to Walking in Your Calling
1. Grow Up Spiritually
- Move beyond spiritual infancy
- Learn to share your faith effectively
- Don't be swayed by false teachings
- Speak truth in love
- Grow more like Christ daily

2. Suit Up for Battle
- Put on the full armor of God
- Pray consistently throughout each day
- Read God's Word regularly
- Worship through service and sharing faith
- Act in faith when opportunities arise

3. Rise Up with Courage
- Stand out as light in darkness
- Be bold in sharing Christ
- Don't compromise to fit in
- Trust God is with you

4. Step Up to Serve
- Discover and use your spiritual gifts
- Find ways to serve in your local church
- Let God use you outside church walls
- Be faithful with what God has given you

5. Open Up to God's Leading
- Surrender full control to Christ
- Seek God's guidance in all decisions
- Live completely for God, not the world
- Trust His plans over your own

6. Speak Up About Jesus
- Share your faith regularly
- Show Christ's love to hurting people
- Be persistent in prayer for others
- Don't give up on the lost

This week, evaluate your spiritual maturity and commitment to living out God's calling. Ask yourself:
  • Am I still drinking spiritual milk or am I ready for solid food?
  • What areas of my life need to be fully surrendered to God?
  • How can I better use my gifts to serve others?
  • Who needs to hear about Jesus from me this week?

Challenge: Choose one area where you need to "grow up" spiritually and take specific steps this week to mature in that area. This might mean establishing a daily prayer time, finding a place to serve, or sharing your faith with someone who needs to hear about Jesus.

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