The Path to Purpose

The Winding Path to Purpose:
Navigating the Seasons of Promise, Perplexity, and Power

“The little seed knew that in order to grow, it must be buried, hidden and alone.”
Michael Molinos

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
St. Francis of Assisi

“God had one Son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.”
St. Augustine

“God never hurries. There are no conjectures to be made about His methods except this one: that He takes His own time.”
C. S. Lewis

“If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.”
Psalm 66:18

“Not till the fire is kindled within us can it warm others.”
Thomas Traherne
Ever had one of those days, months, or even years where you wondered, “God, what in the world are You doing? This does not look anything like the vision You gave me!” Maybe you felt like Joseph must have while languishing in that dreary Egyptian prison cell. As a teenager, he had received a mind-blowing prophetic dream about being a leader whom even his family would bow before one day (Genesis 37). Yet here he was, the promised dream amounting to a nightmare of betrayal, false accusations, and unrelenting injustice. What was God playing at? Had He forgotten about Joseph and the grand purposes once revealed? If you have ever questioned God’s timing, providence, or plan for your life amidst hardship and delays, then buckle up. Joseph’s extraordinary odyssey from the pit to the palace will remind you of a few powerful truths: God’s vision for our lives rarely unfolds in the straightforward way we would prefer. More often, it is a winding path requiring perseverance through multiple seasons of promise, perplexity, and finally...the fulfillment of that powerful calling. Times of baffling adversity are not indications that God has abandoned His sovereign plan. Quite the opposite, those perplexing detours and delays are accomplishing something vital behind the scenes. They are preparation for our life’s unique purpose and impact. No matter how lost, obscure, or insignificant your circumstances may feel, if you persist in faith like Joseph, one day, you will emerge from the prison cell into the palace of God’s will for you! God’s vision for you did not fizzle out, it is still unfolding as scheduled, taking some unexpected turns to get there. When we survey the life of Joseph in Genesis 37- 50, we see God’s sovereign hand guiding him through three distinct phases: promise, perplexity, and power. Joseph’s journey encourages us that no matter how bleak or confusing circumstances may seem, the Lord is intricately working out His perfect plan.

Promise: When God Reveals His Purposes
As children, we all had big dreams of greatness, of doing something incredible. So it was with 17-year-old Joseph. Little did he know that these glimpses into his calling would one day be fulfilled in mind-blowing ways. God often plants seeds of destiny and promise in the hearts of His children. Seeds that require time, cultivating, and persevering through tough seasons before bearing fruit. Joseph’s dreams were not just wishful thinking because they were Godly revelations preparing him for his predestined role. Just as God revealed His purposes to Joseph through supernatural dreams, we too can seek the Lord for insight into the callings and gifts He has placed in our lives. To steward these promises well from the outset, we ought to take practical steps:
  • Ask God to reveal and confirm the promises, gifts, and callings for your life. Write them down.
  • Discern the prophetic dreams/visions God has put in your heart and steward them faithfully.
  • Thank God for the seeds of purpose He has planted, and ask for patience as you await their
    Receiving revelation of our calling is only the first step, we must cooperate with God’s timing to see those promises materialize. For Joseph, this meant passing through an intense season of perplexity before witnessing their culmination.

Perplexity: When God’s Path Seems Obscure
Joseph’s once bright future quickly descended into a long winter of perplexity. Betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, he found himself unjustly imprisoned after resisting sexual temptation (Genesis 39:20). During this extended season of affliction, it must have seemed God’s promises had stalled or been forgotten entirely. While being blind to God’s purposes during turmoil is discouraging, we are wise to hold fast as Joseph did. Scripture shows us that God’s purposes are often fulfilled through suffering, perseverance, and refining our character. James 1:2-4, encourages us to count it all joy when facing trials, knowing that testing of faith produces steadfastness. What looked like detours, disasters, and delays was necessary preparation for Joseph’s destiny. When Joseph finally encountered his brothers, he told them not to be “distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life” (Genesis 45:5, ESV), “you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today” (Genesis 50:20, ESV). His integrity, faith, and gifts were developed profoundly in the darkness before they could be displayed brightly. Rather than stumbling or giving up hope when the path grows perplexing, we must embrace intentional steps to endure such trials:
  • Study the life of Joseph to find encouragement during your seasons of perplexity and suffering.
  • No matter how delayed or disappointing circumstances feel, refuse to doubt God’s promises
    over your life.
  • Use periods of perplexity to cultivate patience, wisdom, perseverance, and proven character.
    Allow God to refine you.
    Joseph stayed faithful through the perplexing delays and detours because he trusted in God. Ultimately, he witnessed his once obscured calling manifest in astonishing power and purpose. Romans 8:28 (ESV) reminds us, “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Power: When God Positions You for Impact
After about thirteen years of perplexing struggles, Joseph was suddenly catapulted into a position of great power and authority. Promoted from prisoner to prime minister, he attained the ability to save nations through his God-given wisdom. His brothers, who once mocked his dreams, bowed before him in fulfillment of those prophecies. Having passed masterfully through the preparatory seasons of promise and perplexity, Joseph exemplified how to maximize a season of power and platform. We must be careful not to bury or squander the gifts, callings, and opportunities God entrusts to us, like the servant in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Even in seasons of perplexity that feel small or insignificant, we are to steward our circumstances faithfully as unto the Lord Himself. Joseph did not despair while imprisoned but continued displaying excellence, wisdom, and integrity. He served diligently in that place of perplexity as if serving God directly. This steadfast obedience amid trials uniquely prepared him to steward influence and power with the same character when promoted. If we remain faithful over the little things and trivial assignments, God will enlarge our sphere of impact and anoint us for greater works (Luke 16:10). Therefore, do not arrogantly spurn or neglect humble seasons because they are divine rehearsals for your coming promotion and purpose. Attend diligently to every detail in the place where you are, cultivating the disciplines you will need when God ushers you into your promised role. “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master’” (Matthew 25:21 ESV). God’s timing and methods are rarely what we expect. Yet this is often His way, to take those faithful in little trials and grant them the ability for greater works and influence. If we remain faithful in life’s twists and turns, we will experience similar appointments in our purpose. To be ready for such opportunities, we must take careful steps:
  • Stay faithful and keep dreaming during seasons of preparation, no matter how insignificant you may feel.
  • Trust that if you allow God to develop your character through trials, He will enlarge your territory.
  • When God opens doors of opportunity and influence, be ready to glorify Him and share His wisdom boldly.
    The pathway to living out your God-ordained calling is rarely swift or straightforward. More often, it is a long obedience through contradictory circumstances that ultimately leads to His promise.

The Lasting Legacy of a Dream Fulfilled
In every phase, Joseph displayed steadfast faith and integrity, even when God’s vision seemed derailed or delayed indefinitely. His was a long, winding journey of unpredictable turns through hardship and injustice before reaching the promised destination. Yet, he did not buckle under or lose sight of his calling. Perhaps this resonates with some reading this today. You have had glimpses of the good works God has prepared for you, only to encounter detours, roadblocks, and seasons that seem contrary to fulfilling that divine dream. Where is God amid the confusion and suffering? Take courage from Joseph’s life, perplexity could be preparation for God’s power to be displayed through your life more dramatically than you can fathom. Stay faithful and watch in awe at the Master’s sovereignty unfolding. One day, you will look back at the twists and turns and see how each paved the way toward your destined purpose. No prison can resist heaven’s pardon! So embrace this winding path as a necessary journey, not a regrettable detour; it is leading you directly into the lucrative life and lasting legacy of the impact God has prepared for you. Hebrews 10:23 (ESV), “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”

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